2018 Spokane Chinese New Year Dinner Party
请在此购票 Buy tickets at TicketWest: http://bit.ly/sca2018newyear
Buying tickets instruction/购票指南
Any question, please contact: [email protected] or at Spokane Chinese WeChat
Buying tickets instruction/购票指南
Any question, please contact: [email protected] or at Spokane Chinese WeChat
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Saturday, February 17, 2018 Venue/饭店地址: Canaan Buffet, 9606 N Newport Hwy, Spokane, WA Price/价格: Price including tax, drinks and tips/价格包括税,饮料,小费
http://bit.ly/sca2018newyearfree |
Dinner Menu/晚餐菜单:
Besides the regular dishes, special Chinese traditional dishes will be included 除了常规菜单外,包括特别菜: 红烧猪蹄, 红烧肉, 烤鸭, 老鸡鱼丸汤, 金钱满树, 红烧鱼, 清蒸鱼, 椒盐虾, 水煮肉片, 番茄牛腩, 麻婆豆腐, 煎饺, 鱼香茄子 Program/程序:
Gift Certificates Donors/礼品卷赞助
Organizers and Sponsors/承办及赞助
The Peking Acrobats 北京杂技团表演
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Spokane Chinese Association members call 509 624 1200 and take 15% off tickets for Peking Acrobats until January 15th.
Yearlong Events/常年举办的活动
Spring/Summer Picnic & Hiking in June/July
Zong Zi Festival/粽子节 in June
Moon Festival in September
Chinese New Year Celebration in January/February
Seminars: throughout the year
Zong Zi Festival/粽子节 in June
Moon Festival in September
Chinese New Year Celebration in January/February
Seminars: throughout the year