The year of the horse is galloping in! The 2014 Chinese New Year falls on January 31, 2014. According to the tradition here in Spokane, a big celebration is usually organized by Spokane Chinese Association with the support of many other organizations and individuals every other year. This year is due for a big celebration which consists of culture fair, performance and meal. The format might be a little different from the past, but you will for sure have as much or even more fun. Pay attention to future emails concerning the exact time and location of this festive event(one of the weekend day in early February).
The organization of such a celebration takes a lot of efforts, but all people who are involved believe it is well worth it. It is for all the Chinese here in Spokane and all others who are interested in the Chinese culture. The success of such a celebration also depends on the active involvement of the whole community. Here are some ways you can participate in organizing the event: 1. Give suggestions what activities or booth the Chinese culture fair should include. Recommend yourself or others to lead an activity or host a booth. 2. Be a volunteer to help with the Chinese culture fair or stage work (A volunteer sigh-up form will be sent out to you soon). 3. Recommend yourself or others to join the performing team to put on a show. 4. Recommend businesses and organizations that might be interested in supporting the event with door prizes, gift cards and so on. 5. Be ready to buy tickets to come to the celebration! Time to get excited and take some actions. Hope to hear from you soon. 各位朋友, 大家好!马年将至,斯波坎华人协会正在紧锣密鼓地筹备2014年的新年庆祝活动。按照近几年形成的传统,又到了每隔一年进行的大庆年头。 这就意味着今年的庆祝活动既有文化游园,传统美食,还有文艺表演。 敬请关注即将发出的此次活动的宣传单查看具体时间地点。 一马当先也不如万马奔腾来得有气势, 举办这样的大型活动虽然有斯波坎华人协会理事们的辛苦工作,更主要的是有斯波坎所有华人及所有对中国文化感兴趣的朋友们的大力支持。俗话说众人拾柴火焰高, 现在趁着一切还没有板上钉钉,请大家积极参与,献计献策,多多给力。 1. 请毛遂自荐, 或者推荐身怀绝技的朋友组织丰富多彩的文化游园活动,让参加游园的朋友感受源远流长的中国文化。 2. 请申请充当自愿者义务为游园活动和文艺表演做服务工作。 3. 请自荐或推荐文艺人才参加今年的文艺演出。 4. 如果你听说哪些公司或团体愿意赞助这次文化活动,请告诉我们。我们正在为本次活动收集丰厚的抽奖奖品。 5. 请积极买票参加这次活动。人气旺,才热闹。 迎接马年的准备工作已经进入了倒计时阶段。希望大家行动起来, 一起努力, 让斯波坎感受中华文化的魅力。 斯波坎华人协会