Tickets are sold out!![]() Spokane Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner & Entertainment 5-8pm, Saturday, February 9, 2013, Canaan Buffet, 9606 N Newport Hwy, Spokane, WA 99218 Children 13 - Adult $15 Children 5 - 12, $7.50 Children under 5, free Price including tax, soft drink, tips and one drawing ticket 时间:星期六,二月九日,晚5-8点 地点:Canaan Buffet 9606 N Newport Hwy, Spokane, WA 99218 孩子13岁-成人,$15 孩子5-12岁,$7.50 5岁以下免费 价格包括饮料,小费, 税和一张抽奖票 Ticket Information Spokane Chinese Association, [email protected] 720-8825 Spokane Chinese Christian Church, contact Weiling Zhu 321-3613 Spokane Chinese Language School, contact Yvonne Quigley Best Asian Market, 2020 E. Sprague Ave., 534-9300 ![]() 120 regular buffet items, PLUS special dishes for SCA guests ONLY
SCA is planning a web site design class for SCA members,
If you are interested to learn how to design a web site, please signup through email [email protected] Year of the little dragon (Snake) is approaching quickly. SCA will organize a small celebration – dinner and entertainment. The date is Saturday, February 9th, 2013. Please mark your calendar, detail is coming soon.
The New Shanghai Circus is coming to Spokane/上海杂技团
Event Date: Friday, February 1, 2013 at 7:00 pm Location: INB Performing Arts Center 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd Spokane, WA 99201 Price: Adult $25, Children (12 & under) $12.5 http://www.inbpac.com/event.php?eventID=31 The Group tickets price (10 people and up) are adult 22.50, children $11. If you are interested in watching this show with the group price, please contact SCA by email [email protected] if we have more than 10 people want to go, SCA representative will help to organize the group tickets purchase. SCA will not charge any extra fee for grouping this event. Also, you can form your own group. 好消息! 12月1号下午 3:00 到 5:00 将在Gonzaga 大学举办中文教师联谊活动。欢迎中文教师及所有对中文教学感兴趣的朋友参加。 会上一些教师将分享她们参加中文研讨会的心得, 及她们的教学经验, 还要介绍一些对中文教学有帮助的网站及其它可利用的资源和参加西雅图地区中文教师研讨会的机会。
地点:Gonzaga 大学 325 教室 College Hall (中文学校所用的教学楼) 时间:12月1号下午 3:00-5:00 联系人:程斌 [email protected] 509 313 3887 (office) 509 879 9478 (cell) 详细内容请看下面的通知: CLTA-WA Workshop Post Workshop Sharing and Coaching Date: Saturday, December1st, 2012 Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: Gonzaga University in College Hall 325(502 E Boone Ave Spokane, WA 99258) Presenter: Bin Cheng Crow (from Gonzaga University) Chiu-Hsin Lin (from Eastern Washington University) Fees: free Co-Sponsored by: Gonzaga University , Confucius Institute of Washington Registration: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dERraHZqWmg4eEczR1NBTUVSTTNpWWc6MQ AGENDA 1. 3:00 p.m. -3:10 p.m. Refreshment and social time. 2. 3:10 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Chiu-Hsin Lin and Bin Cheng Crow share what they have learned from Professor Lotus Perry from University of Puget Sound during the Nov. 3 workshop. 3. 4:30 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Chiu-Hsin Lin and Bin Cheng Crow introduce the resources available to Chinese teachers provided by CLTA-WA (Bank resources) and CIWA. Discuss what kind of information teachers want to get from January workshop 2013. Decide duration, location, format of January workshop. For more details, please contact Bin Cheng Crow at [email protected]/509 313 3887, or check our website: http://www.clta-wa.org/ ![]() 1-2:45PM, Saturday, December 1, 2012 Room 325, College Hall, Gonzaga University Come to learn how to live a healthy life from Susan and Rong Rong. Due to the complexity of the topics, this seminar will be in Mandarin Chinese only. Apologize for any inconvenience. ![]() 2012 Spokane Chinese New Year Show DVD is here now. The DVD contains all show programs and picture slide show of performance and culture fair. If you would like to have one, please contact [email protected] or 509-720-8825. To cover the production cost, $5 per DVD. All proceedings will go to SCA. Some program videos from DVD can be previewed below. Enjoy! Opening DanceFashion ShowShow PicturesCulture PicturesShow Credits![]() 看江山如此多娇, 踏青入画聚市郊, 新朋老友碰碰头, 山里水边自在游. 邀请您参加华人协会组织的春游和健身走. 六月十九日,Riverside State Park 更多信息, 请看附件请尽快踊跃报名! Please join our spring picnic and hiking. June 19, Father’s Day in Riverside State Park. Open attachment for more information. Thank you and really want to see you there. 六月十九爹爹节, 带领全家走山叠, 从小培养好习惯, 走进自然变蝴蝶 :) 六月十六日是中国的传统节日-端午节. 还记得端午节吗? 小时候年年都过的, 就是那个纪念屈原, 吃粽子, 绿豆糕和咸鸭蛋, 还有划龙船……
今年华人协会将举办两项小型庆祝端午节活动: 6/12, 星期日, 2pm – 大家一起学包粽子, (诸葛亮不在, 请到三位臭皮匠) · 地点: Spokane Falls Community College, building 17, room 131. Use parking lot 9. · 华人协会将准备粽子材料。大家一起学一起包。保证每人都能带几个粽子回家过年。收取基本材料费。 · 请回email报名. 需知多少人参加活动.联系程斌: 879-9478, Or Jane Gong 6/13 – 6/15, 卖粽子 华人协会计划从西雅图购买少量粽子。帮大家解馋啦!如果你不能参加周日的活动,你还有机会买粽子。这只是计划,能否成功,待听下文。。。 English Version: June 16 is a Chinese traditional holiday called Duan Wu Jie. Don’t know this holiday? Please go to Google and type Duan Wu Festival.SCA will have a small celebration: Learning how to make Zongzi. Zongzi is the special food for Duanwu jie. This activity will take place on June 12, Sunday @2pm at Spokane Falls Community College, building 17, room 131. Use parking lot 9. SCA prepares the material and ingredients. Everybody will bring some Zongzi home. Reasonable charge may apply (something like $1 per Zongzi taking home). Please reply this email if you would like to attent this program. SCA annual Picnic and Hiking is coming soon. We are going to Riverside State Park this year. The date is Father’s day weekend – Saturday, June 18. Detailed planning and flyer will be included in the next email. Mark the date on your calendar! |